About eBay
eBay is the leading online marketplace, having been around since '95. eBay has a massive reach and it brings together millions of sellers and buyers from all around the world.You can sell almost anything there: from second-hand shoes and collectable action figures to mid-century antique furniture and consumer electronics. The ability to choose between fixed-price and auction format entails yet another perk that most other marketplaces don't have.

What to sell:
Ebay has over 15 000 item categories so you can sell pretty much anything you can think of.

Selling fees:
Selling fees on eBay differ, depending on the account type that you have, what you sell and whether you use any extra boosts to promote your listings. Check out the fees for private sellers here and business sellers here.

Tips and tricks:
Sounds complicated? We've searched for some useful articles that will help you understand eBay selling logic better. Have a look below:

eBay & Second-hand selling tips

UK eBay fee calculator

eBay selling hacks

Key facts

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Frequently asked questions

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