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How Much Does It Cost to Sell on Shopify?

Plunging into the world of selling online often starts with the question - how much does it cost to sell on Shopify? While you might consider joining the expansive online marketplace, it's important to first learn about the cost structure. Shopify allows anyone with a reselling idea to tap into the e-commerce possibilities, offering tools for creating a superb shop. But, it's based on subscription. Let us reveal all the costs you might encounter.

A person using a calculator
The cost of selling on Shopify is determined mostly by the type of your subscription

How Much Does It Cost to Sell on Shopify - Consider the Monthly Subscription Fee

The desire to become a reseller is put into practice by creating a simple online shop. However, creating anything with the help of Shopify is not possible without a monthly subscription. In 2023, the multi-vendor marketplace platform revamped its pricing structure, offering five different subscription tiers

Whether you're just starting without money or looking to expand your reach, there is a plan for you. The good news is that the platform encourages all to commit long-term by slashing 25% off the cost for those who choose annual payments.

Starter Subscription Allows Simple Store Setup

The Starter subscription is just an entry point for selling with Shopify, enabling businesses to effortlessly set up a basic online shop. At just $5.00, it's tailored for merchants who want to utilize the power of social media and messaging apps so they can share product links directly with their audience. 

This plan is not only budget-friendly but also includes the versatile Shopify's Point of Sale (POS) app for mobile devices, making it possible to accept payments in person. It's perfect for those just starting their resale business.

Woman smiling while holding hands on a box
Test out the waters by only using the starter plan

Basic Subscription Allows Tools for Creating a Full Online Shop

The Basic subscription is a gateway to establishing a full-feature Shopify store. It's priced at just $39. For a detailed and customized online shopping experience, this plan provides everything needed. For example, if reselling used items, it offers the option to list an unlimited number of products. 

Beyond mere listings, it empowers resellers with tools to manage orders and customer details seamlessly from the admin interface. Further benefits include basic sales analytics and support for two staff accounts, making it easier to share the workload

Shopify Plan and Advanced Plan Offer Discounts and Benefits

Opting for the Shopify or Advanced plans when deciding to use Shopify for your reselling business unlocks a plethora of discounts and benefits. The Shopify plan, at $105, extends the Basic plan’s functionality with more competitive credit card rates and lower transaction fees. 

Meanwhile, the Advanced plan, priced at $399, is the premium choice for businesses ready for significant expansion. With this one, you'll be introduced to the lowest available credit card rates, a custom report builder, and a team capacity of 15 staff accounts. Both plans emphasize efficiency in operations and customer satisfaction.

Laptop displaying the Shopify website
With the Advanced status, sellers are entitled to receive shipping discounts as high as 88%.

Shopify Plus Subscription is For Large Online Enterprises

The Shopify Plus subscription stands as the best choice for large online enterprises aiming to elevate their successful e-commerce business to new heights. With a starting fee of $2,000 per month, this plan caters to high-volume sellers. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed for seamless management of multiple stores across various locations. 

The Plus extends beyond with customizable checkout options, specialized apps for high-growth merchants, and robust API resources. Furthermore, with unlimited staff accounts, businesses can enhance team collaboration without worrying about extra costs.

For more info on Shopify Plus, watch the video below.

If You Avoid Using Shopify Payments, You’ll Encounter Transaction Fees

Transaction fees are determined by the subscription level. They are an additional expense on each sale processed through alternative payment gateways. Here is a list with the percentage you'd have to pay according to the plan:

  • The Basic plan has a fee of 2% per transaction,
  • The Shopify has a fee of 1% per transaction,
  • The Advanced has a fee of 0.5% per transaction,
  • The Shopify Plus ranges between a minimal 0.15% to 0.30%.

It's worth highlighting that the Starter subscription stands apart, imposing a 5% transaction fee for those using Shopify Payments. Conversely, Shopify Plus users in the United States enjoy the privilege of no transaction fees when sticking with the platform's payment system.

Credit Card Charges

When operating on a multi-vendor marketplace platform like this you need to know of the various credit card charges imposed. These charges differ based on your chosen subscription and whether transactions occur online or face-to-face. For instance, resellers on the Basic plan encounter a 2.9% plus $0.30 fee for online sales. It's slightly less for in-person sales at 2.7%.

Those on the Shopify plan are charged 2.6% plus $0.30 for online and 2.5% for in-person transactions. The Advanced users see a uniform rate of 2.4% plus $0.30 for both online and in-person payments. Shopify Plus merchants benefit from the lowest rate of 2.15% plus $0.30, applicable to all transaction types.

A couple making online purchases
An additional fee of 1% is applied to payments made with international credit cards. 

International Sales Fees

Those sellers who want to accept purchases in an international currency should know that the platform applies a 1.5% currency conversion fee in the US. This is the cost of converting sales from the customer's currency to the seller's preferred payout currency. Even though the fee is not high, you should take it into account when starting an online shop without any significant funding.

Two women working and packaging boxes
Decide early on whether you want to accept international purchases

To Overcome the Burden of Fees, Use a Cross-Listing Software for More Transactions

All in all, the cost of selling here depends on the subscription you choose and the way you process transactions. Sometimes, to settle all fees and continue expanding the store, additional help is required. We recommend choosing the route of a crossposting tool. What do we mean by this? Using cross-listing software allows you to post on multiple sites at the same time. So, if you connect the seven best online-selling platforms, you are seven times more likely to sell the product. 

The best multichannel listing software offers one inventory for all sites and allows the use of additional features. The ultimate crossposting software is Zipsale which offers features such as Auto-delisting and Sell Similar. So if you are interested in proliferating in various directions, register with our selling software, Zipsale.

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