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How to Buy on Vinted?

Each online marketplace platform has a set of its own rules, guidelines, and policies. For buyers, it's not always easy to choose the best approach to existing listings. That's the reason many are wondering - How to buy on Vinted successfully? For all those interested in the answers, we have prepared a few valuable tips in the text below.

Woman holding a card while buying online
Vinted's one of the most liked platforms for both buyers and sellers

There are several tips to make your buying experience on this platform successful. First of all, ensure your feed is personalized in order to browse through things you actually like. Next, consider shopping in bundles when it suits you. At the same time, don't hesitate to negotiate the final cost of an item, and don't run from adding a wanted product to your favorites list. In the end, once the ordered item arrives, don't miss to inspect it for any kind of damage.

How to Buy on Vinted? Make Sure Your Feed Is Personalized

How does Vinted work when it comes to seeing listings from different sellers? This platform has a personalization option that allows all buyers to personalize their feed, so it shows their preferable brands and clothes sizes. It can easily be done by:

  • Clicking on a profile picture, 
  • Selecting the desired category (Men, Women, or Kids), 
  • Choosing the size (for clothes and shoes), 
  • Selecting the brands you wish to follow. 

It can save you hours of scrolling through items that are not suitable for you. In the end, you can also choose who your favorite sellers are so that when they list a new item, you won't miss it. The good part is that unfollowing bands and members is possible - if they haven't posted something you like for quite some time, you'll be able to do it pretty easily.

Woman using cross-listing software on a laptop
How to buy clothes on Vinted? Start by personalizing your Newsfeed

When Buying, Don't Skip the Bundle Deals

When they find products they like, buyers tend to search for other items a seller has to offer. Luckily, if you see more products you would want to purchase, you can easily shop for a bundle. So, how to buy a bundle on Vinted? All you have to do is go to the "Shop bundles" section and use the "Shop button" in order to add products you wish to purchase. 

The price of all products combined will be shown at the bottom of the page. Once you're satisfied with your choice, you need to use the "Request bundle" button, and the seller will then get your request. The best part about the bundle option is that sellers often offer discounts on them - you'll not only be able to save money on shipping but when buying as well. It's a reason enough to learn how to buy bundles on Vinted and try it out. 

Negotiate the Price for the Items You Love Before Deciding to Buy Them 

Learning how to buy multiple items on Vinted is not the only way to save up when using this multi-vendor marketplace platform. If your negotiating skills are on point, there you can click on the "Contact a seller" button to request a possibly lower price. A seller can then choose to accept your request, deny it, or make a counteroffer - which you can, of course, accept or deny. If you end up wanting to purchase an item (or a bundle), all you have to do is use a "Buy now" option. 

Of course, know that not all items are suitable for negotiating - after all, this marketplace is one of the best online selling platforms because of the already low prices sellers offer. 

Man using a Vinted app over the phone
This platform has made communication between sellers and buyers easy

Don't Hesitate to Add Listings to Your Favorite Items

If you like a product on this online marketplace platform but are still not ready to purchase it, you can add it to your list of favorites - and revisit them later by clicking on the "My favorites" tab. Once you decide to purchase it (or not), you'll be able to add the product to your cart or simply remove it from the favorites list. 

The benefit of adding products to your favorites is that you'll be automatically notified when there is an update with the desired item - when new photos are added, the price is reduced, and so on. Not only that, but a seller can decide to provide you with a temporary offer at a discounted price. This way, you can get up to a 30% discount on the listing you like - just know that it will expire three days after the offer is sent. 

Check the Ordered Item After Buying and Receiving It

Once you receive your order, you'll need to inspect it carefully. Keep in mind that this marketplace doesn't deposit your money onto the seller's account until you confirm that everything is alright with the offer - and you have two days to do so. According to the Vinted buyer protection, after the initial two days pass, and you haven't submitted an issue, your money will be released to the seller.

Woman holding a box of clothes
Checking the item's condition after the delivery is necessary

Is Selling on Vinted Profitable?

Vinted's one of the most popular platforms worldwide, both between buyers and sellers. Buyers like to browse through affordable second-hand items, while sellers are drawn to the Vinteed fees policy. Moreover, many sellers think of this selling software as pretty convenient, whether they are looking to make money with Vinted as a side work or have started an online store. If you're interested in selling on Vinted (or you have already begun doing so), be sure to search for some tips in the following video:

Try Listing With the Help of Other Online Selling Tools, Besides Vinted

In order to sell more, sellers need to increase their visibility, and one of the most efficient ways of doing so is by listing on different platforms at the same time. Therefore, besides getting paid on Vinted, consider other seller-friendly platforms, such as eBay or, for example, Etsy. Remember - the more possible buyers see your listing, the better your chances of making sales are. 

Sell Faster and Earn Money With the Help of Our Cross-Posting App

If (or when) you decide that selling on multiple platforms is a good solution, ensure you don't waste any more of your time and energy than needed. With the help of Zipsale, our multi-channel listing software for selling online, you'll be able to manage your inventory effortlessly and make fewer (de)listing mistakes on the road. This cross-listing software can increase the chances of sales without any additional effort from your side. Therefore, when you're in need of the best cross-posting tool, be sure to sign up - and make selling easier. 

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