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The Ultimate Guide - How to Find Products to Sell on Shopify in 2024

Numerous opportunities await if you discover how to find products to sell on Shopify in 2024. In this expansive multi-vendor marketplace platform, getting lost in the sea of options is easy. Yet, fear not! With creativity, market insight, and a dash of fun, we'll guide you through the maze of analysis to uncover hidden gems that promise to sell well. It's possible to stand out among 4.5 million Shopify stores worldwide.

Woman and man packaging a box
Gauge the interest of the buyers by testing out your ideas in the early stages

How to Find Products to Sell on Shopify - Research Online In-Demand Products

Before starting a Shopify store, dive deep into research to pinpoint in-demand products in the world of selling online. The Internet is inundated with data that can fuel your reselling business ideas, from trending social media hashtags to e-commerce platforms' bestseller lists. 

One of the best tools to use to gauge consumer interest over time is Google Trends. On top of this, a platform like Kickstarter could help with spotting emerging innovations. Spy a little on the future competitors. Read their customer feedback to gain a better understanding of their pros and cons. 

An adult working on a laptop
Research what the most googled items for Shopify are

Find a Niche Hobbyists and Enthusiasts Are Passionate About

Focusing on a particular niche that only hobbyists and enthusiasts search for can be profitable because you can be a rare online reseller offering just one particular target audience. Take, for example, specialized hobbies like vintage camera collecting or woodworking tools. Items in these categories, especially when selling used items or those that are not easy to source, can tap into a neglected market

This approach requires more research and learning about particular hobbies. We recommend researching:

  • Particular types of vintage clothing
  • Craft tools, golf equipment,
  • Drinkware 
  • Painting tools, 
  • Special makeup products.

The Cycling World Desires More eBikes

One of the trending interest items is e-bicycles. There is a growing demand for them in the cycling world since they are redefining rural and urban mobility. This trend has seen a significant uptick in interest, with annual sales projected to soar by 10% each year. It's expected that there will be 77 million e-bikes on the road by 2030. 

This burgeoning demand presents a golden opportunity to start a resale business, tapping into a market ripe with potential. The success story of Ebike Generation, a dropshipping enterprise catering to hunters, highlights how profitable this niche is.

A woman standing next to an e-bike
If you are a bicycle enthusiast as well, investing in e-bike resale is perfect for you

Trending Cookware Attracts Buyers

The allure of trending cookware has proven to be a magnet for buyers on an online marketplace platform like this. With the growing demand for kitchen essentials, such as cast iron pans, and brands like Staub and Le Creuset, there's a clear signal of what consumers want. These trends, underscored by thousands of monthly searches for buying advice, represent a fertile ground for selling goods on the Internet

Curate an innovative cookware selection focusing on trends. Highlighting the unique benefits of these items through strategic social media advertising campaigns. To find excellent cookware, you can go to the thrift stores

Watch the video below to know what to be on the lookout for at a thrift store if you're starting a business with no money.

Use Most Searched Keywords to Find a Product Category

A smart strategy you can use is finding the most searched keywords. In this way, you can identify the best items to resell for profit. The method hinges on analyzing search queries and their monthly search volumes. It's a technique that demands a solid grasp of keyword research and search engine optimization. 

Andrew Youderian’s success story, where he utilized this approach to tap into the fishing equipment and CB radio markets, illustrates the potential of this strategy. Focus on areas with high search volume but manageable competition, as sellers can find lucrative niches. Beyond Google, explore keywords within the best online selling platforms.

Scrabble tiles spelling out SEO
Tap into digital marketing as a resource for potential lucrative products

Go Through the Listings on the Most Popular Online Marketplaces

These platforms, bustling with buyer activity, offer a real-time snapshot of what items are in demand. Seek categories that are flourishing and what pricing strategies are used. The appropriate method of getting ideas for an inventory is by identifying selling categories on sites such as eBay, Etsy, Depop, Shopify, and Vinted

Pay close attention to ratings and reviews. Check the frequency of searches for specific items to gauge interest levels. When considering products to sell, also evaluate the logistics of sourcing, storing, and shipping these items to ensure profitability.

Go Along With Your Interests

Sometimes, the right recipe is intrinsic motivation and deep knowledge of a particular product for success in e-commerce. To create a business out of your ideas, start by evaluating interests, hobbies, and areas where you have expertise. Then, conduct market research to understand the demand and competition within these areas. 

This dual focus guarantees you’re not just following your passion blindly but are also meeting a real need in the market. Engage with communities related to your interests on social media and forums to get information directly from potential customers.

A woman painting
If you are an artsy person, selling arts and crafts supplies would be the best decision

When You Create a Shop, Invest in a Crossposting App Too

After finding products to sell on Shopify, concentrate on building an online presence. Listing just on one platform is the right decision, but just during the beginning stages. The perfect direction to take is investing in a crossposting tool. This is multichannel listing software that allows resellers to post on multiple platforms simultaneously without hassle. 

Less work for you but with more exposure. The crossposting software makes everything easier with one unifying inventory, from which you activate and modify listings. Don't waste any time. As soon as you realize that more buyers are needed, use selling software to boost the numbers. Our cross-listing software called Zipsale is available now.

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